Thursday 17 May 2007

Rain rain rain

I wonder whether this rain is ever going to stop, and when we are going to have something that even vaguely resembles summer. It seems as though all the months have been shuffled around and dealt out randomly - April was just like June.
Staying in the house makes the small people cranky, and I let them into the mudbath of a garden just to get some peace. They don't seem to think that shoes are an important part of rainy day attire so get cold quickly. When they come inside though, the decibel levels have decreased considerably, so it is all worth the extra stain removers in the laundry.

I am working on a tiny little doll quilt for the middle one. She covets these Moda fabrics as much as I do, and what mother could say no to that face. The fabrics are here - Spring Fling by Sandy Gervais and are delicious. The quilt is about 10 inches square and is made from one bargello block, a name which makes me giggle because it sounds so much like bordello. Not so appropriate for a four year old girl.

I hope that dolly appreciates it.

1 comment:

The Artful Crafter said...

I know about the no to "that face". Girlie delight is a joy to share down the generations. For sure.